Types of supervision we offer

  • Individual and group supervision for clinical and counselling psychologists and psychotherapists. Offering a reflective, collaborative and relational space to consider your work with patients and clients.

  • An experienced and qualified CAT supervisor and senior supervisor who currently provides CAT supervision for colleagues in the NHS and private practice. We offer weekly and monthly supervision for qualified CAT therapists/Psychotherapists.

    We also offer senior supervision for those undertaking their CAT supervisor training. goes here

  • A qualified coaching supervisor who trained with ICF accredited Barefoot coaching . Offering a relational approach to coaches who want to reflect and explore the interpersonal dynamics, unconscious process and impact this has on their work with people. Combining years of experience as a Psychological therapist, clinical supervisor and coaching supervisor to provide a unique space to explore your relationships with your clients. xt goes here

  • An experienced FTSU Guardian and clinical supervisor offering bespoke and specialist supervision for Guardians. The role of the Guardian can be complicated, stressful and involves working with people who are going through often traumatic and difficult situations in the workplace. This can impact significantly on Guardians own wellbeing, relationships with the people speaking up and the organisation they work in. Clinical supervision provides a confidential and reflective space to consider all of these things in relation to your work as a Guardian and as an individual. This can be provided monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly to supplement your own organisational line-management supervision.

  • Whether you work as a doctor, social worker, nurse, AHP or other professional in health care, you experience and work with trauma everyday. This can often impact on us in a noticeable way. It can also impact without us knowing how or why. Supervision provides people a space to talk and explore the amazing but often intense work that they do. Having a reflective and confidential space to examine and inform their work.

  • Offering regular supervision to non-clinically trained facilitators who are providing sessions to vulnerable groups of people with health concerns, learning difficulties and mental health difficulties. We provide a range of options and have worked with art/music based organisations providing amazing and life changing interventions in prisons, health centres and community based spaces.

  • We are passionate about bringing relational supervision and therapeutic thinking into the everyday of all organisations. Having a space to consider the wellbeing of the people you employ, the relational dynamics that play out in the workplace and your role as a leader is vital to a healthy organisation. We provide a range of one-off or ongoing coaching, wellbeing consultations and therapeutic interventions to small organisations.


  • from £100 per hour for 1:1 supervision face to face/online

  • from £150 per 1.5 hour for group supervision face to face/online