client testimonials

I have had a really positive supervisory experience with Dan. I find his approach to be supportive and open but also challenging when needed. He has really helped me think about what is happening with my clients and how to relate this to the CAT model. I also find it really useful when he maps things out in supervision. I would definitely recommend him as a supervisor.

Kate Psychologist & CAT Therapist

I am a Clinical Psychologist, Cognitive Analytic therapist and supervisor with more than 25 years experience in the NHS and private practice. Group supervision with Dan is an oasis. A safe space where we can stop and reflect, knowing that Dan will bring just the right amount of challenge and humour.

Jackie Psychologist and CAT Therapist

“Dan is really skilled at allowing you the freedom to practice in your own style whilst also offering guidance within a solid relational framework. I always enjoyed our supervision sessions and felt supported as well as encouraged to try out different ways of approaching my work.”

Naomi Clinical Psychologist

Dan has been my supervisor for several years and I have learnt a tremendous amount from him. He is a containing, kind supervisor who makes you feel well supported in your work”

Hina Clinical Psychologist

“ I have had the privilege of being supervised by Dan over the past 3 years. During this time I have benefited from a thoughtful, inspirational, challenging and nourishing environment. Dan’s experience has helped bring insight and support in my client work and development. He has the capacity to communicate and explain complicated themes all which being humble and compassionate. He is a dedicated supervisor from who I am learning and growing as a psychologist and person.”

Gulshan Counselling Psychologist